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6 Ergebnisse.

Los Cheguevaristas

Bohoslavsky, Abel
Los Cheguevaristas
Est es un libro que reconstruye nuestra historia reciente, atrafvés de las memorias de un militante revolucionario. LA voz de Abel Bohoslavsky, nos guía y conduce a alas voces de ssus compañeras y compañerso muertos (pero vivos, en el presente recatado de su testimonio) y sobrevivientes. Libro profundamente político, que elige narrrar la historia desde al experiencia real de la militancia revolucionaria del PRT_ERP argentino.

CHF 54.00

Rumor de pez

Rodríguez Soriano, René
Rumor de pez
Prosa elemental, lenguaje que no tiene lengua, pólipo o pez que se mira o nos mira desde las aguas del encanto, en ese instante tan relámpago en que el poema, tal vez, quiere ser luz y ronda las periferias del placer y el goce, un juego serio y mudo para espantar el tedio en los rincones de la tarde y la llovizna. El prodigioso fluir poético de los textos de Rumor de pez, los cuales nos invitan a que los leamos en voz alta, ya que muchos de el...

CHF 22.90

The Lordless City

Karlov, Matt
The Lordless City
Arandras Kanthesi, now master of a golem army, is determined to resist the allure of his newfound power. But war is coming, and Arandras must lead his charges into the very maelstrom he sought to avoid.The god Azador has set its sights on Spyridon, a city whose leadership is riven by discord. Eilwen, the former Woodtrader who is still haunted by the murderous beast within her, and the rogue sorcerer Clade race to defend Spyridon from threats b...

CHF 29.90

The Lordless City

Karlov, Matt
The Lordless City
Arandras Kanthesi, now master of a golem army, is determined to resist the allure of his newfound power. But war is coming, and Arandras must lead his charges into the very maelstrom he sought to avoid.The god Azador has set its sights on Spyridon, a city whose leadership is riven by discord. Eilwen, the former Woodtrader who is still haunted by the murderous beast within her, and the rogue sorcerer Clade race to defend Spyridon from threats b...

CHF 41.90

The Unbound Man

Karlov, Matt
The Unbound Man
A multi-faceted read with characters who have that all too rare depth and ambiguity. Well done!" - Janny Wurts, author of The Wars of Light and Shadow and co-author of the Empire series (with Raymond E. Feist) In a land of merchant companies, printing presses, gunpowder and sorcery, Arandras Kanthesi once worked alongside the gifted and powerful, hunting down artefacts of the glorious past and teasing out their secrets. Then an unknown assaila...

CHF 30.50

The Unbound Man

Karlov, Matt
The Unbound Man
A multi-faceted read with characters who have that all too rare depth and ambiguity. Well done!" - Janny Wurts, author of The Wars of Light and Shadow and co-author of the Empire series (with Raymond E. Feist)In a land of merchant companies, printing presses, gunpowder and sorcery, Arandras Kanthesi once worked alongside the gifted and powerful, hunting down artefacts of the glorious past and teasing out their secrets. Then an unknown assailan...

CHF 41.90